Club Member rips in to young golfer!

We had this story sent in from Jared* and it was too funny not to share;
Hey Golf Gods
I'm just starting out in golf and had a interesting run in with a club member last week.
It was my first round at a members only club, playing with some mates, and being new to the game there's obviously plenty about etiquette I'm unaware of.
As I got my ass handed to me by the lads it was my shout at the bar, I've walked into the club house and ladies comp had been on earlier, and the place was packed with mostly older women.
One was at the bar, and as I approached she turned and looked at me, and lost her shit. She ripped into me like I was her 5 year old grandson putting on her makeup or something, the carry on was ridiculous. Turning to the bloke behind the bar asking what the hell was going on he politely explained I needed to remove my hat.
I apologized to the old bat but she was too pissed off with me by then, and stormed off.
The boys were expecting a reaction and thought it was hilarious, but really, is there any need for someone to speak like that? The club is struggling for members as it is, it's hardly an incentive for me to ever go back! 
The best part of the whole thing is the hat in question was a titties hat and she had no idea haha!
Cheers and hit em straight,
Now Jared's* committed the cardinal sin of wearing a hat inside, but why yell at the bloke, she should of told him that the punishment is shouting the bar and leaving it at that! 


Got any stories of the blazer brigade over reacting to etiquette on the course? Send them in to!!



January 17, 2017